Say YES! to an Inspired & Empowered Audience
As a digital nomad, it can be hard to choose somewhere to call “home”. After speaking to thousands of people at events across __ continents, I’ve realized the place where I feel most at home is the stage. I’ve had the honor of sharing my story of going from a high school dropout to a financially free world traveller with audiences around the world who’ve laughed, cried, and best of all - realized that a life of freedom, fun and connection is within reach.
I am available to speak to small and large audiences and carefully craft my presentations to deliver maximum impact and value for the people in the room.
Small Sample of Past Keynote Events
HRevolution Conference (Tel Aviv, Israel)
Zagreb Digital Nomad Week (Zagreb, Croatia)
Work. Place. Culture Conference (Dubrovnik, Croatia)
Bansko Nomad Fest (Bansko, Bulgaria)
Tirana Nomad Festival (Tirana, Albania)
NomadBase Conferences (Croatia & South Africa)
Digital Nomad Expo (online event)
Sample Presentation Topics/Titles
How to Build Thriving Communities
The Future of Work
How Remote Work is Changing World Order
What I learned from Travelling to 100+ countries
40 and Retired - The Path to Financial Independence
Creating Financial Freedom while Travelling the World
Say YES! to Life
"Insert quote about how great of a speaker Dean is"